Even those who believe themselves devoted patriots (including devout Christians) may foolishly be enticed by the powers that be, into violating Americans’ sacred and essential Popular and national Sovereignties. It has been happening for a long time, now.
People who believe in a Sovereign nation called the United States of America are being duped into not only violating the mandates of our Constitution, but even worse, to nullify our own Declaration of Independence from the control of foreign power.
This is the tragedy for all, of those who foolishly follow the stratagems of those seeking hegemony over us via “global governance” and it’s ploy, “sustainable development,” a.k.a., “millennium goals,” a.k.a., “green growth,” as outlined in the United Nations’ Agenda 21. It is being executed by ICLEI, regional councils, Barack Obama’s Executive Order 13575, and in many other ways governmental, paragovernmental, in corporations, finance, the news and entertainment media, and in eduction.
However, some seem not so fooled.
In alphabetical order, these are positions of the remaining Republican candidates for United States President, regarding this globalist warfare upon America and all the nations of the world.
Jon Huntsman, a proponent of sustainable development, uses the peer pressure ploy of a propagandist, pardon the alliteration, against those seeking valid science about the climate, instead of the party line of the globalist powers that be:
Ron Paul, his opposition to Agenda 21, within the limits of a libertarian’s revised interpretation of federalism (also, on the United Nations as a whole, plus the IMF and the Federal Reserve):
Rick Santorum, answers generally, when asked specifically about Agenda 21:
Bill McNally: [A question about Agenda 21] Question to describe Agenda 21, what it means for America’s sovereignty, and how Santorum, as President, would enforce it.
Santorum: There are a lot of things that the U.N. promulgates through its various committees and agencies. The United Nations should serve some (emphasis his) on security issues, but a lot of the policies from the United Nations would be problematic for America. “We will not give legitimacy to UN organisations that promulgate a laundry list of ideas…. [including abortion] I’m not going to, as President, have our country participate in things that are antithetical to our values.” They are trying to impose international law on the sovereignty of the United States. Cited the Rights of the Child as a means of undermining parental authority. [This blogger will note that the Rights of the Child inexplicably does not include the right to be born without someone stabbing you in the head with a fork.]
by “GringoBob” at RegularFolksUnited.com, September 13, 2011
hat tip:
The many awake, aware, and alert United States Citizens,
who are pressing our candidates on issues of Popular and national Sovereignty,
including that done through the Tea Party movement
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